For any information about the Kite Surf Courses, please contact:

El Nido – Kite Surf Courses
3500 ₱ Frais non inclus
Kite Surfing is accessible to any person in good physical condition: women and men, young and less young. Beginner or expert, with or without your own equipment, the activity takes place in front of the splendid Linapacan Archipelago, on the west coast of the island.
Rupture de stock
Catégories : Backpacker, Deluxe, El Nido, Standard, Sur l'Eau, Water Activities
INCLUS | – Transport A/R jusque San Fernando |
NON INCLUS | – Éco taxes |
OPTIONS | – Nuit à San Fernando selon disponibilités |
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Répondeur en Français :
+33 6 51 38 70 91
Bureau d’El Nido :
+63 917 626 46 26 (WhatsApp/Viber)
EL NIDO Branch
10, Real Street
Barangay Buena Suerte
5313 El Nido Bacuit
Palawan, Philippines